Plantilla Índice de Información clasificada y reservada
Plantilla Hoja de Ruta Sectorial Datos Abiertos Estratégicos
Plantilla Excel Registro Actuvos de Información
Plantilla Esquema de publicación
Conocer en este tutorial las funcionalidades que ofrece a los usuarios la herramienta "Perspective" para la creación de una historia con datos, disponible en el portal de datos abiertos para los publicadores
Paso a Paso para darse de alta en el nuevo portal de datos abiertos
The report looks specifically at 30 governments that have made concrete commitments to champion open data, either by adopting the Open Data Charter, or, as members of the G20, by signing up to the G20 Anti-Corruption Open Data Principles. We have called them “leaders” on the basis of making these commitments, but, as the report shows, we are yet to see any government undertake the organisational and infrastructural changes needed to make open data a norm of day-to-day governing. Progress towards this, even among these leader governments, is slow.
Assessing the Impact of Digital Government in Colombia: towards a new methodology is the first OECD report that takes an in-depth look at the monitoring and evaluation framework for digital government. It provides insights on digital government indicators and methodologies for assessing the impact of digital government strategies and related initiatives.
Este documento es un diagnóstico para la apertura de datos abiertos en Colombia y una análisis sobre buenas practicas existentes en otros países realizado por el Banco Mundial.
Memories of the event ABRELATAM and ConDatos Colombia 2016, an event where the community of civil society, government, academia, developers, companies and individuals working for Open Data in Latin America can meet to discuss the state and impact of Data in the region.